Parry Dahl
Bay B1 3916-64 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2C 2B4
Phone: 403.269.7702
Fax: 403.269.7731

Packing Services

Crating Service

Dangerous Goods Packing And Crating Services in Alberta

Packing For All Modes

By Air
Shipping Dangerous Goods is not easy. Strict packaging and documentation requirements, combined with annual regulation changes, airline restrictions, different country restrictions changes makes it a bit overwhemling to comply with IATA, ICAO, TDG and 49 CFR regulations. Shipments rejected for failure to comply with the regulations could result in legal charges and heavy fines, but most importantly, costly delays! We will do it all for you:

  • Proper Classification
  • Performance packaging
  • Apply all marks and Labels
  • Signed documentation
  • World wide shipments overnight!

By Ground: We offer general and specialized packaging services for products that can be accomondated by conventional, standard materials. General information regarding UN-specification packaging for shipping dangerous goods correctly. UN specification packaging can go by a variety of names, but virtually all refer to the same product. Common names include: hazmat packaging, dangerous goods packaging, UN packaging, UN approved packaging, UN certified packaging, performance oriented packaging (incorrectly termed "POP packaging"), chemicals packaging, paint packaging, infectious packaging, and TDG/DOT approved packaging. We can provide the proper packaging, documentation, labels and ship it for you.

  • Variation Packaging 4GV Boxes
  • Paint packaging
  • Combination packaging (metal cans)
  • Combination packaging (plastic containers)
  • Combination packaging (glass containers)
  • Infectious packaging / infectious substance packaging

By Sea: With the cost of oil in todays market Sea Transportation is probably one of the most econmical ways of shipping Dangerous Goods internationally. Due to the strict rules applied through SOLAS ( Safety of Life at Sea) agreement, international shipments must comply with both the Internationl Maritine Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code and national regulations.

Labeling, documentation, performance packaging segregation of different dangerous goods on board ship and placarding are just a few of the criteria a shipper MUST be versed in.

Al's Compliance Services Inc. will make sure all your ocean shipments comply with all applicable rules and regulations. The completed and signed documentation and all the necessary placards will be provided.

All required documents are prepared and signed by us. Stop frustating yourself and let our trained professionals handle your Dangerous Goods needs.